Friday, December 12, 2008

Hugh Jackman to host Oscars, or How really: you heard it HERE first

The AP is reporting that Hugh is hosting the Oscar telecast, which is all very exciting, cause it proves that Bill Condon is most likely reading my blog.

Hugh Jackman
- Talent (not just comedic: please see Kate and Leopold; not just musical: please see The Boy from Oz and not just dramatic: please see The Fountain but also of hosting: please see The 59th Tony Awards and no, you're not allowed to think about Viva Laughlin...)
- Class: don't he look good in a tux?
- Drool-worthy Oscar moments: I mean, isn't he dreamy looking?
- Musical medleys! Think Billy Crystal only hotter!
- Industry good-will and good timing: Baz Luhrman's Australia will be coming out later this year, and it might make a big splash with AMPAS and X-Men: Origins will be coming out next year; it's perfect timing to get Jackman in the spotlight!
- International appeal: he is Australian for god's sake!
- Box-office clout. Two words: X-Men.

1 comment:

Vance said...

Oh damn! Now wish for a big 8 figure development deal for me.

And maybe a nice boytoy by my side.