Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Blog Next Door Recap 2.0 or How while I'm away you should catch up!

Holidays 'round here begin this week so I'll be away from the blog for a while (partly because I'm (gasp!) going to be internet-less for the coming weeks) so feel free to peruse a selection of this year's best posts:

I love writing about animation, so feel free to start off with Pixar, or How Everything I know I learnt from Animation cause I'm really proud of that post. And if I hadn't already pledged my allegiance to that form (not a genre!) Andrew Stanton's Wall-E blew me away earlier this year, and proved to me that it might actually have a shot at a Best Picture Oscar: just look how much it has in common with that other animated BP nominee!

What else did I learn this past year? Well, I found out that my funniest film reviews come about when I really don't like a film. Don't believe me? Catch the reviews for, 27 DressesIndiana Jones IV, and W. And conversely, found that really inspiring films make me wordy and all 'deep': see those for Revolutionary Road, Happy Go Lucky, & Synecdoche New York .

In terms of music, among other things, I checked out Madonna's Hard Candy & Britney's Circus (and offered my own retail tie-in idea from the latter's Womanizer video). But really, all you should know about Pop Music is that it is just the newest version of Post-Humanism.

TV-wise, I Live-Blogged the Desperate Housewives season premiere (and survived!), dissected the women of Mad Men, listed my Favorite Characters on TV, fell in love with the Piemaker (and his clothes!) yet again and mourned his loss in my own way.

I realised Academic Biopics might be a way to earn some Oscars in the next few years, realised Can't Hardly Wait works as a who's who? of the 1990s. Also found out Bill Condon reads my blog: see? He took my suggestion of Hugh as Oscar host! Found that Academia can meet Pop Culture and found new political relevance in Tony Kushner's Angels in America after Prop 8.

I also participated in a couple of guest-posts over at The Film Experience. My favourite of which was Voice Actressexuality which spawned my My Stuff and Cr*p's Rugrats Blogathon post on Child (Voice) Actors. And yes, we started with animation and end there too... how predictable am I?

Enjoy! See you in 2009!

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