Thursday, October 18, 2007

Kisses, or How I am a Romantic at heart

So if there is something I love is a good cinematographic kiss.
I mean, what is The Notebook without that rainy kiss between Ryan and Rachel?The kiss is arguably the best part of Spiderman (even if it does include Ms Kiki Dunst, who's long past her Bring it On prime!) and while last night's episode of Pushing Daisies had its slew of good moments (Ned as a prince charming, the Jedi vs Southerner sword fight, the beaver-shirt story) but the best one was (by far) the kiss shared by Ned, the pie maker and Chuck, the un-dead dead girl:

It was then that I started thinking about other memorable kisses on TV - turns out all the ones I love tend to be kisses by star-crossed lovers who are doomed:

Starbuck and Apollo as they discuss their respective relatives and talk about how marriages are getting in the way of their hot, steamy romance:Buffy and Angel in that fateful episode that the blond slayer will never remember:

Hopefully, since Ned and Chuck have already braved death I won't have to worry about them pulling a Sackhoff and killing one off, or a Whedon and creating a spinoff that separates them.

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