Pushing Daisies
Dim Sum Lose Sum
So, many of you might have been watching the Obama Variety 1/2 Hour but I was faithful to the Pie 'Hos and watched as they solved a crazy crime at a Dim Sum restaurant, managed to dress up in the process and find (SPOILERS AHEAD) Ned's twin brothers!
Fave screengrabs ahead:

Chuck: "They have his eyebrows!"
Olive: "They do. They do. I said that twice for each of you"

I might have ROTFL when I saw the Pie Hos gone Dim Sum waitresses.

And then I saw 'Pimp Emerson' and 'Cowboy Ned' and well... all bets were off: Hysterical!

Simone, owner of Bubblegum was back, and I'm hoping they'll keep her around for more.
1 comment:
They really do have his eyebrows!
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