Monday, November 5, 2007

'No hugs please, I am uncomfortable with needless displays of affection' or How I am Seeing Double

Even in a less-than-stellar episode (Susan worrying about her baby's soul? Lynette dealing with her cancer metonymically? More of Edie's now passé crazy-jealous antics?) the writers of Desperate Housewives prove that they are still going strong in a season evocative of that first one where this was the show to watch.

Danielle dressing up as Bree for the Halloween party

"I am not Danielle I am Bree van de Camp Hodge."

"No hugs please, I am uncomfortable with needless displays of affection"

"Now stop that baby Hodge, we don't kick people... unless they're servants"

So, Bree, have you picked out a name for your baby?
Not yet, but I was thinking You're-not-good-enough if it's a boy and You'll-always-disappoint-me if it's a girl

Just brilliant! (And, as we have noted here before - displaying A Blog Next Door's favourite characteristic: Self-Awareness)

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